09. Conductivity Standards Catalogue

Reagecon is the largest producer of aqueous based Conductivity Standards and is credited with the invention of low level aqueous standards. The company is still the only producer with the capability to manufacture and stabilise these products at such low levels of...

05. Pharmacopoeia Standards and Solutions Catalogue

Reagecon is a world leading manufacturer of Standards and Reagents, as specified in all the major Pharmacopoeias.  These products are manufactured, tested and identified as compliant with the processes laid down in the relevant Pharmacopoeia. The products include...

06. Physicochemical Standards Catalogue

Reagecon’s Physicochemical Standards range:- Colour Standards Spectrophotometry Standards Melting Point Standards Density Standards Viscosity Standards Sucrose (Brix) Standards Refractive Index Standards Osmolality Standards Cryoscope Standards More detailed...

11. pH Buffer Solutions Catalogue

​Reagecon manufactures the most comprehensive range of pH Buffer Solutions available to the marketplace, which have been designed to suit all user requirements Laboratory Grade Buffers, pH range 1-13 tested at 20°C and 25°C Colour Coded Buffers for Calibration pH 4,...

03. Electrochemistry Standards Catalogue

Reagecon has an outstanding range of Electrochemistry Standards and Reagents required for the measurement of pH, Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Redox (ORP), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Cation & Anions using Ion Selective Electrodes (ISEs) and...

02. Cation and Anion Standards Catalogue

Reagecon’s range of Cation and Anion standards are developed and formulated for calibration and control of ICP-MS, ICP-OES, Atomic Absorption, Ion Chromatography and Flame Photometry instruments and systems. We have been manufacturing such Standards for over two...

07. Titration Standards and Solutions Catalogue

Titrants (Analytical Volumetric Solutions): Reagecon produces an extensive range of high-quality Titrants (Analytical Volumetric Solutions). These products are standardised and factorised against a primary standard, where such a primary standard exists, and certified...

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