Since the publication of our Physical and Chemical Standards and Reagents catalogue, substantial changes have occurred in the field of analytical chemistry. Stringent regulatory demands combined with major economic implications and increased competitiveness, places necessity for validation on every analytical test performed, either in the laboratory or in the field. Not only must the correct result be obtained, but proof must also be provided of its fitness for purpose, validity and accuracy. Such proof must then be accessible, retrievable and presented in an easily understood format. Reagecon continue to respond to these challenges by presenting to its customers, an ever increasing range of highly specified, stable, traceable and certified standards.
The use of standards such as calibrators or control materials can greatly increase the possibility for the analyst to obtain the correct result and can provide definitive proof of the correctness of such a result from a technical perspective. Such materials can also be used for method validation, instrument qualification, verification and analyst qualification.
Since the beginning of 2011, Reagecon have developed a major pipeline of new products and we now have a broader and more comprehensive range of physical and chemical standards than any other producer worldwide. We are privileged to be able to present these new ranges to you here, (in excess of 8,000 product numbers)
We hope you find this new compendium beneficial; that the products on offer match your technical specifications; represent value for money and that they will greatly enhance your ability to achieve valid and correct analytical results now and in the future.
Other rapidly occurring changes in the laboratory market place include stringent regulations pertaining to the shipment of hazardous goods, the development of e-commerce and the ever increasing requirement for Scientific Knowledge.
Hazardous Goods
Products which are known to be hazardous are labelled by Reagecon in accordance with The Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The GHS is a system for standardising and harmonising the classification and labelling of chemicals.
Research and Development
From a strategic perspective, Research and Development continues to be a key business driver within Reagecon, with approximately 10% of our workforce engaged in this activity. Several industry or technology specific projects with various risk profiles are currently in the development pipeline. The progress of all of these projects as they reach maturity can be viewed at
Technical and Scientific Literature
As a producer of high quality physical and chemical standards, Reagecon employ a large number of scientists in areas of: new product development, quality, manufacturing and technical services. Our Scientists produce a large output of original technical and scientific literature and are responsible for several publications every year relating to various aspects of analytical chemistry. A selection of these papers can be viewed and downloaded at our website: . Several of the chapters in this compendium also contain detailed original technical notes.