Are you using or producing Pharmacopoeia Reagents or Standards ?

Reagecon is a world leading manufacturer of Standards and Reagents, as specified in all of the major Pharmacopoeias. These products are manufactured, tested and identified as compliant with the processes laid down in the relevant Pharmacopoeia.

The products including those described in the EP, USP, ChP, JP and IP (Indian) are designed not only to save the analyst time, money, resources and raw materials, but also to have confidence that the products are manufactured and tested optimally, are certified and traceable and tested in an accredited facility.

Overall, they offer quality, convenience, stability and piece of mind.

With more than 30 years experience producing products in compliance with the Pharmacopoeia, we can advise on all aspects of Good Manufacturing and Good Laboratory Practice, pertaining to these products.

More detailed technical information and specific product information can be obtained by visiting: Pharmacopoeia Standards and Reagents

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